dart_pdf copied to clipboard
English words are not in the correct order when mixed with Arabic and splitted to multiple lines
Describe the bug
When we mix Arabic and English words, the order of the English words is not correct when they split into multiple lines
To reproduce
Future<Uint8List> _generatePdf(PdfPageFormat format, String title) async {
final pdf = pw.Document(version: PdfVersion.pdf_1_5);
final fontStyle = pw.TextStyle(
fontSize: 50,
fontWeight: pw.FontWeight.bold,
font: await PdfGoogleFonts.iBMPlexSansArabicRegular(),
pageFormat: format,
build: (context) {
return pw.Text(
'قررت أن أقوم برحلة استكشافية إلى the historical old town',
style: fontStyle,
textDirection: pw.TextDirection.rtl,
return pdf.save();
Current behavior:
Expected behavior (To be in the correct order):
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