David Augustin
David Augustin
I'll try to run NUTS for a little while to give you a better estimate of the ESS but just to give you an idea: Running 2000 iterations of HMC...
Even if NUTS has a good ESS per iteration ratio, the adaption just takes too long (the minimal number of adaption steps are currently 150, which translates on 8 cores...
> Ha, interesting! Yes, that may be fairly condemning. Your example may be a good one for the paper as it illustrates how we can easily switch between samplers in...
Yes, happy to close this!
Hi @MichaelClerx , happy new year! 🥳 I think a `pints.seed` would be a cool idea! Would that effectively just be a wrapper around `np.random.seed`? What I like about the...
@MichaelClerx @chonlei Yes I agree! Haha I absolutely did not. 😂 But I did implement this in erlotinib, where I am basically doing exactly what Michael suggests. Models can specify...
So just to clarify what I am suggesting is to make the `get_parameter_names` method mandatory for the ForwardModel's (potentially define a default method in the base classes that just enumerates...
I know that [arviz](https://arviz-devs.github.io/arviz/examples/plot_ess_local.html) uses [xarray](http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/) as data structure which does exactly what you say. The controller could then optionally return a xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset instead of a numpy array....
@MichaelClerx @martinjrobins @ben18785 @chonlei I am happy to implement this solution. I am just wondering what your thoughts on identifying the parameters are, because it can get complicated. Example: Imagine...
The names are not really used by anything. It's more for someone evaluating the hierarchical loglikelihood to understand which parameter index corresponds to which model parameter, if that makes sense?