David Augustin
David Augustin
See PR #1138
Something like this @fcooper8472 ?
@MichaelClerx @chonlei @ben18785 I ran the doc builds but no documentation is generated. Any ideas?
To clarify: I tried `$ python run-tests.py --quick` and also `$ cd docs` and then `$ make clean; make html`
Thanks I’ll try that. I think that would be a really good idea if all methods from HMC would be in the HorowitzLangevin sampler. But since the leapfrog steps have...
This sampler is not the Neal Langevin Sampler yet. The updates of u are not included. I was under the impression that we wanted to include both MCMC samplers? Horowitz-Langevin...
This is the completed NealLangevin Sampler. 1) There does seem to be an issue with Sphinx that I can't work out. I downgraded the latest version of Sphinx to 2.4.4...
@chonlei Great thanks! It makes sense, but I didn't know that you had to give further instructions to Sphinx :D
@ben18785 Yes, I can make an example notebook.
I somehow don't seem to have the permission to look at codecov's analysis and see which lines where not hit. Is there something we can do about it?