Archive-Tweets icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Archive-Tweets copied to clipboard

Archive and Delete Liked and Posted Tweets


This is a command-line tool written in Python 2.7, to archive or delete all tweets that you have posted, or that you have liked. It is optionally possible to also archive all attached media (images, etc.)


Windows: set up a UNIX-compatible interface, like Cygwin. Then follow the Linux/OSX instructions below.

Linux/OSX: Open your terminal, clone this repo, pip install requirements.txt. This software will need to authenticate with Twitter, so you'll need to create an app on Twitter and insert the credentials obtained into the credentials.txt file.

Then you can run the script. I suggest using -W ignore to suppress SSL warnings. There are several flags:

  • --posted to indicate that you want to select the tweets you have personally made/retweeted
  • --liked to indicate that you want to select the tweets you have liked
  • --archive to indicate that you want to download the selected tweets
  • --delete to indicate that you want to delete the selected tweets (un-like in the case of --liked)
  • --media to indicate that if you're archiving tweets, you also want to save their media attachments (images, etc.)

You may select only one of --posted and --liked at a time, not both. The --media flag requires the --archive flag: you can only archive the media attachments if you're already archiving the tweets in the first place.

Some examples of correct use:

$ python -W ignore --archive --media --liked
$ python -W ignore --archive --delete --posted

The software then creates a folder, Archive-Liked-Tweets or Archive-Personal-Tweets, depending on whether you selected --liked or --posted, respectively, and within that, creates a new folder for every tweet, with the path name given by the timestamp of the tweet's publication and the tweet's unique identifier. Within every tweet's folder is the pretty-printed .json object representing the tweet, as well as any attached media files, if the option to download them was selected.

Rate Limits

Since this software is reliant on the Twitter API, the rate limits apply:

With these generous limits in place, you should find it possible to handle your entire timeline rather swiftly. Should you hit a rate limit, the app will simply sleep until the fifteen minute period is over.


Display of tweets has not been a priority in development so far. I believe there are other Open-Source projects that have done a reasonable job at this, which you can adapt straight-forwardly. (I'd be happy to accept a PR that generates pages rendering the archived tweets. It is my plan to do this eventually.)

To search all the tweets in a directory for some text, cd into the relevant directory, and then use: grep -rnw . -e "<your text here>" e.g. grep -rnw ./Archive-Liked-Tweets -e "rice pudding"


  • The tool relies on the Python-Twitter library, which provides a helpful wrapper around Twitter's API. Duly note that Twitter makes changes to their API once in a while (months/years), which makes it possible for the objects that the API functions (api.GetUserTimeline, api.GetFavorites, etc.) return to be erroneous.

To avoid such errors, you should run this tool from the REPL and make a few calls to the API, and double-check the JSON objects that you get against the Twitter API. The documentation for every endpoint has examples of the returned objects.

Example of REPL use:

>>> from TwitterTool import *
>>> api = credentials_and_authenticate()
>>> api.GetStatus(824666495305162752).__dict__['_json']                             
>>> api.GetUserTimeline(count=1)
  • One frequent Twitter pattern is the posting of threads or tweetstorms, which this software currently does not handle automatically. You'd have to like all the tweets in a tweetstorm to archive all of them. It would be more convenient if you could just like the first one, and the software also grabs the rest for you. This is a bit of an inconvenience. and it's a currently open issue.