data-engineering-zoomcamp copied to clipboard
Timecodes for "DE Zoomcamp 1.3.2 - Creating GCP Infrastructure with Terraform"
Youtube video:
0:20 .terraform-version 1:04 1:23 terraform declaration 3:25 provider plugins 4:00 resource example - google_storage_bucket 5:42 provider credentials 6:34 10:54 overview of terraform commands 13:35 running terraform commands 18:08 recap
Updated timecodes
0:00:00 - Configuring Terraform files: version, resources, and storage. 0:02:27 - Importing and implementing predefined module definitions. 0:04:48 - Explanation of variables and resources. 0:06:56 - Understanding local variables and project regions. 0:09:08 - Explaining regional communication and variables. 0:11:14 - Explanation of Terraform's destroy command. 0:13:22 - Initializing configuration and importing plugins for Google provider. 0:15:32 - Creating resources with Terraform plan and apply.
Thanks! Timecodes updated