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Mobile Session Replay causing ANRs in Android
Describe the bug
Wasn't sure where to report this, but the NPM package for mobile replay points here. I know mobile session replay is still in alpha, but thought the devs working on this might still find a bug report useful. Please close if not relevant.
Reproduction steps
I don't have a minimum viable repro, but this was enabled in the recommended fashion using:
function onDatadogInitialized() {
defaultPrivacyLevel: SessionReplayPrivacy.MASK_USER_INPUT,
replaySampleRate: 100, // Session Replay will be available for all sessions already captured by the SDK
SDK logs
jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe in park
java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport in parkNanos at line 252
java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer in acquire at line 717
java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer in tryAcquireSharedNanos at line 1074
java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch in await at line 276
com.datadog.reactnative.sessionreplay.ShadowNodeWrapper$Companion in getShadowNodeWrapper$datadog_mobile_react_native_session_replay_release at line 53
com.datadog.reactnative.sessionreplay.ReactTextPropertiesResolver in resolveTextStyleAndPosition at line 71
com.datadog.reactnative.sessionreplay.ReactTextPropertiesResolver in addReactNativeProperties at line 40
com.datadog.reactnative.sessionreplay.utils.TextViewUtils in mapTextViewToWireframes$datadog_mobile_react_native_session_replay_release at line 30
com.datadog.reactnative.sessionreplay.mappers.ReactMaskInputTextMapper in map at line 46
com.datadog.reactnative.sessionreplay.mappers.ReactMaskInputTextMapper in map at line 21
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.mapper.QueueableViewMapper in map at line 20
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.TreeViewTraversal in traverse at line 52
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.SnapshotProducer in convertViewToNode at line 41
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.SnapshotProducer in convertViewToNode at line 60
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.SnapshotProducer in produce at line 26
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.listener.WindowsOnDrawListener in resolveTakeSnapshotRunnable$lambda$3 at line 63
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.listener.WindowsOnDrawListener in $r8$lambda$QvQ3u5G28C1WFoK2gfpZ5g__dkQ
… android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.listener.WindowsOnDrawListener$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 in run at line 2
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.Debouncer in executeRunnable at line 40
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.Debouncer in debounce$dd_sdk_android_session_replay_release at line 33
com.datadog.android.sessionreplay.internal.recorder.listener.WindowsOnDrawListener in onDraw at line 36
android.view.ViewTreeObserver in dispatchOnDraw at line 1261
android.view.ViewRootImpl in draw at line 5941
android.view.ViewRootImpl in performDraw at line 5706
android.view.ViewRootImpl in performTraversals at line 4795
android.view.ViewRootImpl in doTraversal at line 3288
android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable in run at line 11344
android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord in run at line 1689
android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord in run at line 1698
android.view.Choreographer in doCallbacks at line 1153
android.view.Choreographer in doFrame at line 1079
android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver in run at line 1646
android.os.Handler in handleCallback at line 958
android.os.Handler in dispatchMessage at line 99
android.os.Looper in loopOnce at line 230
android.os.Looper in loop at line 319
android.app.ActivityThread in main at line 8919
java.lang.reflect.Method in invoke
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller in run at line 578
com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit in main at line 1103
Expected behavior
Affected SDK versions
Latest working SDK version
Did you confirm if the latest SDK version fixes the bug?
Integration Methods
React Native Version
Package.json Contents
No response
iOS Setup
No response
Android Setup
No response
Device Information
No response
Other relevant information
No response
Hey @johnnywang, thank you for reaching out and reporting this issue.
There are various improvements coming for session replay in the near future. We have received some reports of ANRs on Android, and they have a high priority in our roadmap.
Thank you for including relevant logs, they are really helpful!
We will inform you here on GitHub as soon as we have any further updates on the topic.
This is happening to us as well. We have had to remove Android Session Replay from the app, which is very annoying. We would be very grateful if this issue is solved !
@mikecouk @johnnywang
Could you try using the most recent version of React Native (currently v2.4.3) and check if the issue persists?
We have addressed a common cause of ANRs with PR #671, and we have also updated the native Datadog SDKs to the latest versions, which come with many improvements and fixes.
We will be glad to help you resolve the issue if it still occurs.
Thank you!