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How do we can performe out of sample forecasting?
Sorry, I do not understand what out of sample forecasting. Can you give an example?
Hello again, Suppose my frequency of my data is daily and I want to forecast future 50 days ahead of today by model trained based on past data.
You just pass X
containing the timestamps you want to forecast into the trained model and predict
You just pass
containing the timestamps you want to forecast into the trained model andpredict
我使用1750~2015每个月的数据进行单变量预测训练,想预测未来一百年的数据 但是范围太大会报错显示OverflowError: Overflow in int64 addition,最多大概只能预测25年左右,请问有解决办法吗
You just pass
containing the timestamps you want to forecast into the trained model andpredict
.我使用1750~2015每个月的数据进行单变量预测训练,想预测未来一百年的数据 但是范围太大会报错显示OverflowError: Overflow in int64 addition,最多大概只能预测25年左右,请问有解决办法吗