Julian Schmidt
Julian Schmidt
@kelz2o3 I don't really get what your solution is. Could you add an example?
I can recommend [IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML](https://github.com/Zignd/HTML-CSS-Class-Completion) for intellisense suggestions. - But I don't see any current solution for the other features you mentioned...
Is this a duplicate of https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20780 ?
According to the code `tooltipContext` [has been removed](https://github.com/valor-software/ngx-bootstrap/blob/0b6fd99ae1001c606ee6d76e419a24ee4a467baf/src/tooltip/tooltip.directive.ts#L168). I would say there are two issues here: 1) Deprecated/removed properties are still in the documentation (https://valor-software.com/ngx-bootstrap/#/tooltip#tooltip-directive) 2) There is seemingly no...
@ndrsn Any update on this?
I think this issue isn't fixed yet. https://github.com/TonyGermaneri/canvas-datagrid/pull/322 only changed `eval()` to `Function()`, but according to [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/script-src) (search for `Unsafe eval expressions`): > if 'unsafe-eval' isn't specified with the script-src...
What is the current stand on this issue? Maybe there could be some sort of compromise with the constructor issue like this: ```js try { // legacy workaround for es5...
Here is an example project how to use this library with angular: https://ng-run.com/edit/V8aQLT3Ubbg3v5b1zhig The important stuff: app.component.ts ``` import { Component, VERSION, ViewChild, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core'; // @ts-expect-error...
I think this issue can be closed?
Also there is ?instead? a [changelog for version 5.3.0](https://github.com/mgechev/codelyzer/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#530-2020-07-02) but no version 5.3 published to npm...