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Documentation for using Dashlane's password changer .well-known

Password Changer .well-known [DRAFT]

The goal of this respository is to create a specification for a well-known resource to facilitate password managers to change the service password, which will be compatible with Dashlane Password Changer.


Dashlane Password Changer provides the ability to automatically update passwords by calling a compatible API endpoint.

In order to be compatible, a service must:

  • host a specific file within the .well-known folder at the web root of the service describing the API endpoint to call
  • host an API endpoint that will receive the password change request

Implementing the .well-known description for password changer

The following JSON file should be placed at the root of your website: /.well-known/password-changer.

    "version": "1.0",
    "endpoints": [
        // Multiple endpoints, allowing for a test endpoint
            "auth": "Form",
            "url": "" // Must be https
            "auth": "Form",
            "url": "", // Must be https
            "allowList": ["hashOfEmail1", "hashOfEmail1"] // SHA256 hash list of authorized logins

The auth parameter defines the authenticattion method for the API endpoint. Please refer to the next section for the authentication methods currently supported by Dashlane Password Changer.

The url parameter defines the address of the API endpoint that implements the changing of the service password, which can be used by password managers.

Current limitation: the API endpoint must be placed at the root of your domain, sharing the same origin as the well-known. For instance, would work, would not.

The allowList parameter defines a list of authorized logins that will be allowed to use a specific endpoint. For instance, if you need to do some testing of a new API endpoint, you can set the hash (SHA256) of your Dashlane's account login in this list.

API endpoint: Authentication

Form Auth

Password managers will make a HTTPS POST request to the specified API endpoint with the following structure:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'password=oldpassword' \
--data-urlencode '[email protected]' \
--data-urlencode 'newPassword=Correct Horse Battery Staple'

The 3 expected body fields are:

  • username (string)
  • password (string)
  • newPassword (string)

Authentication supported by Dashlane Password Changer

Dashlane Password Changer currently only supports Form authentication. Basic and Digest authentication will be supported in future.

API endpoint: Responding to password change requests

In order to confirm a password change has been accepted or to handle a potential error, the password changer endpoint should only respond with the following JSON object specification:

    "status": "STATUS_CODE"


If the change is successful, you should respond with a 200 response with the status set to OK.

    "status": "OK"


In case of an error, you should respond with a 401 response, Dashlane currently supports the following errors:

Error code Description
LOGIN.PASSWORD_INCORRECT Incorrect user password submitted.
LOGIN.NOT_FOUND Login unrecognized by the service.
LOGIN.GENERIC_FAILURE Login or password are incorrrect.
LOGIN.ACCOUNT_LOCKED The account is locked.
SECURITY_REQUIREMENT.TOO_SHORT The new password is too short.
SECURITY_REQUIREMENT.TOO_LONG The new password is too long.
SECURITY_REQUIREMENT.CAN_NOT_REUSE_PREVIOUS_PASSWORD The new password cannot be the same as a previously used password.
SECURITY_REQUIREMENT.NO_SEQUENTIAL_CHARS The password cannot contain a sequence of the same character.
USER.PROFILE_INCOMPLETE The user must complete their profile before being able to change their password.
USER.ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED The user account is not verified. For example an email confirmation has not been actioned.
USER.NEEDS_TO_ACCEPT_TOS The user must accept the Terms of Service.
NEED_USER_ACTION A required user action is preventing the change of password (for example an unpaid bill).
WEBSITE_UNAVAILABLE The site is currently undergoing maintaintance and is not accessible.
SECURITY_REQUIREMENT.NOT_STRONG_ENOUGH The new password is rejected by site's password policy.
ABORTED The password change has been interrupted.
VERIFICATION.WRONG_CODE Bad user challenge code.
VERIFICATION.TIMEOUT The user challenge resolution is taking too long.
VERIFICATION.UNKNOWN_VERIFICATION_ERROR Something went wrong while solving a user challenge.
UNKNOWN_ERROR Something went wrong.

Here is an example response when the provided password is incorrect:


Captcha and 2FA

If the user is required to perform an intermediate action such as a Captha or a 2FA code verification, a response with a 400 response with the status set to NEED_VERIFICATION should be made.

The password manager will then request the user to complete the challenge, after which the endpoint will be called again.

Two parameters, verificationResponse and optionally verificationResponseKey, will be sent alongside the regular parameters.

Currently two verification methods are supported by Dashlane:

  1. 2faVerification: Reply should be the following :

        "status": "NEED_VERIFICATION",
        "verificationType": "2FA",
        "2faVerification": {
            // This hint will be only shown when the user clicks on the "more info" button
            "hintText": "Enter the code we sent to your number ending in 99",
            "type": "SMS", // Optional. Can be SMS, EMAIL, APP, OTHER.
            "inputType": "DIGITS", // Optional. Can be DIGITS, LETTERS or ANY
            "inputLength": 4, // Optional
            "responseKey": "jkf3kf32ewfji32ijgger" // Optional. We can send this key back with the user response
  2. reCaptchaVerification:

        "status": "NEED_VERIFICATION",
        "verificationType": "RECAPTCHA_V2",
        "reCaptchaVerification": {
            "sitekey": "6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-", // Sitekey, provided by recaptcha
            "domain": "", // Optional. The domain must be whitelisted in your recaptcha interface
            "responseKey": "jkf3kf32ewfji32ijgger" // Optional. We can send this key back with the user response

In the response, the parameter verificationResponse will be the response token, usually called g-recaptcha-response.

This object reCaptchaVerification can also be in the well-known manifest, in case you always need a verified captcha.

Ready to join?

Once you have implemented the above please get in touch with us by email and we'll add your website to the list : dev-relationship (at)

If you have any question on this process use the same email or open an issue on the repository.


This document and associated materials are provided by Dashlane under CC BY 4.0 License.