CR-dl copied to clipboard
How do I change the directory the anime is stored in>
I had a look through the module download but I couldn't find anything to change. Could you tell me how I can change the directory in which the anime is stored in? Thanks!
What exactly do you mean? You want each series to be in different folders then:
.\cr-dl.exe download -o "
Is that what you need?
What I would like is a way to choose the path and drive of the download that is documented.
For example, let's say that my C:\ drive is full, or nearly so, like if I'm using a small cheap SSD for my OS and larger HDD's for actual storage. There is nothing in the current readme regarding changing the directory these are downloaded to, including drive path, at least not that I am seeing.
Hmm, come to think of it - I would like a feature, where video gets downloaded to your C:\ drive and then after muxing transfered to other drive. Muxing is much faster on SSD, but I often run into space issues there.
Just use the full path
I have cr-dl in the path (windows) so I can execute it from any folder, when I want to store in a especific folder I just open a terminal in that place and execute the commands to download