Casey Kuball
Casey Kuball
I'm thinking that the new task manager (when I write it) should partially take care of this, by having multiple callback functions for stopping/getting interrupted/resuming/starting a task. The 'stop' command...
@jvyden420 , are you sure the sample code is the same code that is being executed here? The error message says it was in `findBlockSync`, but your code calls `findBlock`.
Not sure when last mineflayer update was, but I was using this bot (partially) a month or two ago without much trouble. On Dec 15, 2015 9:08 PM, "Romain Beaumont"...
@rom1504: Yes, @superjoe30 has all but confirmed this, but he claims it's a bug with the minecraft protocol itself (not minecraft-protocol), as the client must send the server the metadata/damage...