KeyboardAudioVisualizer copied to clipboard
Doesn't work with new corsair firmware
Hey, It seems that the Visualizer doesn't work with the latest Corsair firmware anymore (using Corsair's K95 RGB Platinum)
IAudioClient::Initialize caused an error: 0x88890008, "Unknown HRESULT".
bei CSCore.SoundIn.WasapiCapture.InitializeInternal()
bei CSCore.SoundIn.WasapiCapture.Initialize()
bei KeyboardAudioVisualizer.AudioCapture.CSCoreAudioInput.Initialize()
bei KeyboardAudioVisualizer.AudioProcessing.AudioVisualizationFactory.InitializeInstance()
bei KeyboardAudioVisualizer.AudioProcessing.AudioVisualizationFactory.Initialize()
bei KeyboardAudioVisualizer.App.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
Mmmmh. I saw this and you said it might be an error with the sound system. However it worked perfectly and stopped working after the update
This is the same error as It's absolutely related to your sound-system. Are you using a corsair-headset? Maybe the corsair-audio-driver is causing trouble.
Nope. Just using the normal AUX output