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A python script that informs the admin when specified devices enter or leave the admin's network. Can also be used to activate other tools.
Welcome to my WhoIsHome scanner! This tool scans your home network with the tool arp-scan (only dependecy).
The new updated version of this script with a User Interface is available at https://github.com/DartLazer/WhoIsHomeUI
This tool requires ROOT priviliges because of ARP-SCAN
After completing a scan of the desired IP-Range (specified in the config file) it will tell you wether your targets (also specified in the cfg file) are at home or not. A target is considered not at home if it misses more scans that the not_home_threshold (config file again). The reason I built it like this is because I discovered most Apple devices switch off Wi-Fi while not used for a while, and this way you prevent a lot of false not home triggers.
In my experience setting this value between 15-20 scans (15-20 minutes) prevents most false positives. At the moment the script is built this way so that when a target leaves- or comes home the specified email address in the config file will be sent an e-mail. You could also replace this function (email-sender) with something else you desire, like switching on- or off lights.
I built this as a project to expand my pyhton skills so any feedback is welcome. I will most likely improve on this project in the future.
INSTRUCTIONS Install dependecy sudo apt install arp-scanner
Before running first time edit the CFG file.
- file name reverse to the name of the 'database' storage file. (picke file) by default it will save to filename datastorage
- Set internet adapter (ifconfig in command to get the correct name)
- Set the ip-subrange (i.e. 192.168.2. (END WITH A DOT VERY IMPORTANT)
- set the ip min and max (lets say you want to scan until you set ip min to 1 and ip max to 100)
- The not-home threshold refers to how many scans (by default script scans every minute) a client can miss before it is set to 'not home'. This is due to most apple devices switch off Wi-Fi when in idle mode for a while and only occasionally come online. (in my experience settings this to 15-20 works fine.
- set the from and to email address and password
- set targets in the target section. Should be in format: name = macaddress(in AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA format)
- I run this program in the background with the following command: sudo python3 main.py > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- The program should automatically e-mail you upon arrivals/depatures. But if you want to check the current database run the script: database_checker.py this script will give you a terminal print of the current database.