**Comment by [nex3](https://github.com/nex3)** --- I think it's reasonable to add this functionality to the shelf Request class. In general, that class is allowed to expose more-parsed (generally lazily-parsed) views of...
**Comment by [Andersmholmgren](https://github.com/Andersmholmgren)** --- Good point. That would be a good home for it
**Comment by [kevmoo](https://github.com/kevmoo)** --- _Removed [Type-Defect](../labels/Type-Defect) label._ _Added [Type-Enhancement](../labels/Type-Enhancement), [Area-Pkg](../labels/Area-Pkg), [Pkg-Shelf](../labels/Pkg-Shelf), [Triaged](../labels/Triaged) labels._
**Comment by [kevmoo](https://github.com/kevmoo)** --- See also https://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=19005
**Comment by [Andersmholmgren](https://github.com/Andersmholmgren)** --- I was going to take a crack at adding cookie based session support to shelf_auth but then ran into this issue with lack of cookie support...
_This comment was originally written by warren.strange...@gmail.com_ --- Anders - I implemented very basic session support by copying the dart:io cookie code. See https://github.com/wstrange/shelf_simple_session
**Comment by [Andersmholmgren](https://github.com/Andersmholmgren)** --- Thanks Warren. I'll take a look. I'm not wanting to get involved in any of the session storage side in shelf_auth. Rather just the authentication side...
**Comment by [dgrove](https://github.com/dgrove)** --- _Added [Pkg-Http](../labels/Pkg-Http), [Triaged](../labels/Triaged) labels._
**Comment by [nex3](https://github.com/nex3)** --- Probably the best way to support this would be to add a separate http_timeout_client package that exposes an HttpTimeoutClient that wraps an existing client.
_This comment was originally written by theburnin...@gmail.com_ --- Is there any reason why timeout couldn't be added as an optional parameter to the existing clients? I think the usage pattern...