Darshan N

Results 18 comments of Darshan N

Please provide more details!

@momoDragon `.where()` is supposed to just give you 1 read, I'm sure this has been the case from the first version when used with `isEqualTo`, it uses the same query...

@mikeyyg96 `.where()` works only with `isEqualTo` at the moment. And also are you creating index the first time?

Hey @momoDragon! I verified this again, the number of reads is always 1 if I have just one document that satisfies the `where()` condition. The firestore query you pass is...

Sorry for the delayed response! - No, sorts are not supported because of the need to perform `orderBy()` on geohashes before filtering them out. So, appending `orderBy()` with another field...

Hey @mikeyyg96, duplicate of #15 & #24 . Check [this](https://github.com/DarshanGowda0/GeoFlutterFire#limitations) out for more info.

The library does a range query `startAfter` on `position.geohash` which needs an `orderBy()` by default, so tagging another range query like `isLessThanOrEqualTo()` won't work.

@mikeyyg96 It really boils down to a limitation on firestore queries! Similarly, if you want to query all events from the current date to 30 days from now within a...