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bcnmcrap true detection issue
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current retail as it stands now does not make all dynamis mobs have true detection. so this line would be set to false for that. though, dynamis D may? idk anything about dynamis D. So, whatever the best way to handle that is.
For record, Dynamis D mobs are true detection.
(This feels like something that should be handled by scripts or DB anyway.)
I thought mobs true detect was handled already? Maybe I am wrong. In the mobs family system table, it has detects type.
old style dyna all mobs were true detect so somebody hard-coded it instead of setting them the normal way. mob families has the detection type (sight/sound/blood/magic) and I think pools has the true-detect flag (on/off) and agro/linking (also both on/off). I think it all should have been one combined mask in the group or pool table personally.
I believe the reason it was hardcoded for all Dynamis spawns is because some mobs are shared outside of it - specifically the Kindred (jobs) in the Uleguerand Range. Those would need to be properly separated from the Dynamis versions.
they share families I dunno if they share pools (they should not share pools since they are completely diff mobs, but would not surprise me to find they DO). a long while back true detect and the detection type were combined and moved around, but the hardcoding of this predates all of that - it was just a quick way out to hit the entire zone without having to set them individually
can update the hardcoding to check for dynamis d zones only and not touch the regular dynamis... ?
Just remove the hardcoding altogether. No need to add additional hardcode for content that isn't currently implemented (and for an incorrect solution at that).
Whenever someone adds Dynamis D mobs they can just set true detection in pool or w/e it is by then.
edit: Maybe check the current NMs' pools for those that should still be true detection and update DB if necessary. I think this is only applicable to the Mega Bosses, as I don't recall the timed spawn NMs being true detection (in Neo Dynamis).
I removed the "Dynamis true detection" default from core in #6181. It's possible (likely) that some of the NMs need some true-detection fixing in their specific pool data, but that can go in the general Dynamis TODO issue (added it). I think this issue can close.
Currently, Dynamis mobs don't share pools with non-dynamis mobs.