
Results 39 comments of Darkspirit

Just have seen https://twitter.com/feistyduck/status/1577644279740387328: This PR is linked in this article: https://www.crowdsupply.com/sutajio-kosagi/precursor/updates/bringing-up-tls-on-precursor They have made a temporary pure-Rust fork of ring with c2rust: https://github.com/betrusted-io/ring-xous/tree/0.16.20-cleanup/src/c2rust

> Chrome displaying this page correctly. Oh, this must be relatively new (some months?) and I haven't found a bug about it so far. Maybe there is still a chance...

> Personally, IMHO best solution is, return partial tree and errors, and possibly show errors in console. If you are user, you aren't bothered by "This page has errors prompt"...

> This is the wrong forum to have this discussion. Ygg01 made clear to me that I should rather ask if this XML5 parser * could return a list of...

Temporary workaround could be changing https://github.com/servo/servo/blob/623e7418856892d4bf7c2baca9b0fbfc595231ca/components/net/Cargo.toml#L48 to `openssl = { version = "0.10", features = ["vendored"] }`. Next rustls release (0.21.0) supports IP SAN. Then we can finally rip out...

Back then I found it easy to integrate trustdns (0.16.0) into my acme client which only supports DNS challenges and TLSA: https://docs.rs/crate/trust-acme/latest/source/src/dns.rs (I wrote it when I had such headaches...

Wayland mode is broken. Run `WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND=x11 ./servo`.

See also: https://github.com/rust-embedded/embedded-hal/issues/142

[x86_64-uwp-windows-msvc](https://community-tc.services.mozilla.com/tasks/groups/c3ttNEDFQxC7rfnaS1C1cw) was successful. aarch64 windows is missing in https://github.com/briansmith/ring/blob/ddfa683266e8ce41c06feb9f46503dd4e1d47ab1/build.rs#L230-L242.

This is what I've found about AppVeyor: It seems `Visual Studio 2017` or 2019 are required for arm64 support. The Rust project cross-compiles to aarch64-pc-windows-msvc for testing. https://help.appveyor.com/discussions/questions/27382-arm64-support-in-the-default-image https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/54718/files If...