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BUG: Monument lasers don't function 100% properly
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DarkflameServer Version
yadda yadda
Issue Description
already discussed extensively on discord, this is largely just a reminder
- the animation/particle effect of the player being burned plays but the knockback isn't applied
- the particle effect/anim only plays the first time you walk into a laser, all times following that you just silently take 1 damage
- special laser death anim does not play upon dying, under any circumstances i can find
Reproduction Steps
walk into monument laser trigger w/ sensor script
Expected Behavior
https://youtu.be/dUE7YilB_wc?t=3 https://youtu.be/dUE7YilB_wc?t=179 https://youtu.be/dUE7YilB_wc?t=207
it should be casting this skill on the player https://explorer.lu-dev.net/skills/163 https://explorer.lu-dev.net/skills/behaviors/15714/15713 (does 1 damage, applies knockback, and includes special laser death anim) at least that's what the old pre-freetrial version of AG did on its triggers, and available footage of live post-freetrial seems to have the exact same effect, just accomplished via lua instead of lutriggers
lcdr — Yesterday at 4:22 PM fwiw, these are the script implementations on lcdru: https://github.com/lcdr/luserver/blob/master/luserver/scripts/avant_gardens/laser.py https://github.com/lcdr/luserver/blob/master/luserver/scripts/avant_gardens/laser_sensor.py iirc i implemented them pretty much the same way they worked in live
punchcard machine