Results 32 comments of Wii

I can only speak for myself here, but the `operators` keyword makes it fairly clear that these are *operators* and I expect most users would still understand what's going on...

Taking off my programmer hat, my ideal as a normal user would be that, as I type, the language is detected and updated, but if I want, I can click...

Update: a possible fix for this is currently (not) being discussed on the luasocket repository here:

Well, there's not really a discussion going on, which is precisely why linked it here. The way I understand it, nobody really knows an ideal way to deal with this...

If I read this correctly, this seems to be solving a different problem than #428, although there seems to be some overlap and both PRs modify the `to_json` method (though...

> I think my results should precede yours [in the code logic, that is], so you can modify things after the correct formatting to the JSON-LD has been applied. @benjithaimmortal...

I second this. This is a good idea on many levels, even to the point that just seeing a Lua-related github repo with sponsoring enabled might improve peoples perception of...

This seems to be a problem with `lua-MessagePack`, which turns a table like `{nil, "foo", "bar"}` into a messagepack map. To illustrate, this is the JSON representation of the returned...

@grinapo Sounds like more of a "how do we guide people towards this option" question than anything else though. Setting your language isn't exactly hard, so maybe it'd best be...