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AnanasBoard is Designed for Stepper Closeloop Control.

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  1. AMS5600 and Quadrature Encoder Supported
  2. Intelligent Tuning of the Motor Current
  3. Up to 30Khz Pulse Input Supported
  4. Up to 60Khz Stepper Driver PWM with Trapezoid Acceleration
  5. Internal PID Speed Controller


  1. A4988 and Drv8825 supported.
  2. PWM DA function supported.With the Tale: PWM frequence needs to be up to 10Khz
IC divider resistance Capacitance 5V 3.3V
A4988 10KOhm 0.1uf 4.7KOhm 10KOhm
drv8825 10KOhm 0.1uf 2.7KOhm 3.3KOhm

circuit: voltage division circuit with a Capacitance(0.1uf)
More Info : A4988 and Drv8825datasheet.


Eagle 7.2 Used


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