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Calling store producer in oracle database 12c I get invalid SQL statement
Hi there i have store store producer in oracle database 12c with params in and out and when i run the code i get error the SQL is not invalid the code below
using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(_connection.ConnectionString))
// Create a OracleDynamicParameters object.
var parameters = new OracleDynamicParameters();
// Add(string name, OracleDbType oracleDbType, ParameterDirection direction, object value = null, int? size = null)
parameters.Add("in_RQ_SALES_REQUEST", OracleDbType.Int32 ,ParameterDirection.Input , 14478);
parameters.Add("in_RQ_AMOUNT", OracleDbType.Int32 ,ParameterDirection.Input , 2500);
parameters.Add("in_RQ_CURRENCY", OracleDbType.Char ,ParameterDirection.Input ,"YER", 3);
parameters.Add("in_RQ_TP_CHANNEL", OracleDbType.Char ,ParameterDirection.Input ,"APP", 3);
parameters.Add("in_RQ_ACC_TYPE", OracleDbType.Varchar2 ,ParameterDirection.Input ,"SUB");
parameters.Add("in_RQ_MAIN_SRVC_ID", OracleDbType.Int32 ,ParameterDirection.Input ,1);
parameters.Add("in_RQ_SUB_SRVC_ID", OracleDbType.Int32 ,ParameterDirection.Input ,1);
parameters.Add("in_RQ_INTERNAL_EXTRA1", OracleDbType.Varchar2 ,ParameterDirection.Input ,"123456");
parameters.Add("in_RQ_INTERNAL_EXTRA2", OracleDbType.Varchar2 ,ParameterDirection.Input ,"775550902");
// Add the out parameters to the OracleDynamicParameters object.
parameters.Add("P_OUT_RESULT", OracleDbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Output);
parameters.Add("P_OUT_RESULT_DESC", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Output);
// Call the stored procedure.
var result = connection.Execute("SP_INIT_SALES_REQUEST", parameters);
// Retrieve the out parameter values from the OracleDynamicParameters object.
// int outResult = parameters["out_Result"].Value<int>();
// string outResultDesc = parameters["out_Result_Desc"].Value<string>();
// Close the connection.
return Ok("result =>" + result.ToString());
And i can not get the out params
// Retrieve the out parameter values from the OracleDynamicParameters object.
// int outResult = parameters["out_Result"].Value<int>();
// string outResultDesc = parameters["out_Result_Desc"].Value<string>();
Add commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)
to the Execute.
I have been toying with adding this automatically if it isn't specified and the SQL does not contain any whitespace characters. I cannot think of any scenario where that would be wrong. Thoughts?
Also parameters.GetValue<int>(name)
- I've also been toying with a simpler API for this!
thank you @mgravell
actually I edit the code like that and its worked but i have issue I can not get the out params can you help my pls
using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(_connection.ConnectionString)){
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("SP_INIT_SALES_REQUEST",con);
cmd.InitialLONGFetchSize = 1000;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// OracleParameter resultNo = new OracleParameter("@OUT_RESULT", ParameterDirection.Output);
// OracleParameter des = new OracleParameter("@OUT_RESULT_DESC", ParameterDirection.Output);
int resultNo = 100;
string des = string.Empty;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IN_RQ_SALES_REQUEST", 99399);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IN_RQ_AMOUNT", 2000);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IN_RQ_CURRENCY", "YER");
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IN_RQ_TP_CHANNEL", "APP");
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IN_RQ_ACC_TYPE", "SUB");
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IN_RQ_MAIN_SRVC_ID", 1);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IN_RQ_SUB_SRVC_ID", 1);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IN_RQ_INTERNAL_EXTRA1", "123456");
cmd.Parameters.Add("@IN_RQ_INTERNAL_EXTRA2", "775550902");
cmd.Parameters.Add("@OUT_RESULT", resultNo);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@OUT_RESULT_DESC", des);
// Get the output values from the stored procedure
var result = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
return Ok("resultNo => " + " des =>");
@mgravell when i add cmd.parameters.GetValue<int>(name)
i get error i think the
var parameters = new OracleDynamicParameters();
Do not has this method .GetValue<int>(name)
and the is the error massage OracleCommand' does not contain a definition for 'parameters' and no accessible extension method 'parameters' accepting a first argument of type 'OracleCommand' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Ah, right. I didn't notice the OracleDynamicParameters
- I assumed you were using Dapper. That type is not something that Dapper provides, so: for guidance on that you'd need to ask whoever wrote that. I can only offer guidance on the Dapper API.