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Do we plan to support the gerenate the SQL text per the Domain object?
Sometimes the sql string is very simple, but wast time. For example:
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
We have the model and match to a datatable, if we can use the way to get the result that will be awesome.
The SQL text can be gerenated by some strategies.
id AS Id,
first_name AS FirstName,
last_name AS LastName
We can defined many different strategies to covner the Domain object to our expected string:
- AddPrefixStrategy: add the prefix text to the table or column name
- AddSuffixStrategy: add the suffix text to the table or column name
- RemoveSuffixStrategy: remove the suffix text of the table or column name
- RemovePrefixStrategy: remove the prefix text of the table or column name
- ToUpperStrategy: upper the text of the table or column name
- ToLowerStrategy: lower the text of the table or column name
- ToCamelStrategy: camel the text of the table or column name
- WordBetweenUnderscoreStrategy: add underscope text of the between word for the table or column name
- CompositeStrategy: the composite for the above strategies.
The expected steps:
I saw the Dapper.Conrib provide some simple cases, do we have plan to include this feature in the future? Thanks.