Multipart entities are not implicitly alive, in my case the multipart entity is a boat. The only field of EntityLiving that is used is EntityLivingBase#renderYawOffset. I propose that this could...
I'm currently attempting to launch Improved Initiative from an adhoc local HTML site I use for DM notes. I've found mention of API endpoints (cynicaloptimist/improved-initiative#46, cynicaloptimist/improved-initiative#231), but no documentation. Are...
`method_48926` is implemented by both `TameableEntity` and `AbstractHorseEntity` using a synthetic bridge method that returns `super.getWorld()`. There are no other implementations, so `method_48926` is definitely meant to be implemented by...
It should mention that invokers must be named `invokeMethodName` or `callMethodName`, or annotated with `@Invoker("methodName")`.
The [Getting Started](https://docs.blamejared.com/1.14/en/#getting_started/) page explains how to create a ZenScript file in excellent detail. Then it just gives the reader the code for Hello World, and explains none of it...
Below is a list of the changes with justification and an explanation for readers of the repo wondering why the code differs from the video. * Replace ItemRendererAccessor with a...