LootTweaker creates tables when `net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLServerStartingEvent` is fired. Perhaps this is too late to work on a SpongeForge server?
The CF maven works, but it's really badly set up. I've had the artifact ID change on me literally overnight, and in the same case multiple artifact IDs for different...
> Is it a good idea to decorate these with `@Final`? What if another mod wants to AW them... wouldn't that lead to crashes? `@Final` doesn't make a field final,...
It's not part of OptiFabric. OptiFabric bundles Fabric-ASM, but it's an independent project. Also if you aren't already aware, there are [alternatives to Optifine/OptiFabric](https://gist.github.com/LambdAurora/1f6a4a99af374ce500f250c6b42e8754).
> So what does Manningham Mills do? > I have same problem It's a library used by mods to alter vanilla. You have it because a mod you've installed includes...
Feature requests are more complicated than that. > In order to retain maintainability, portability and discoverability, Fabric API only targets features that are important to a broader set of mods....
@JaiSpicer No, I ended up deciding to build my own adhoc initiative tracker. It's less feature rich than Improved Initiative, but in some ways it suits my purposes better.
This is still a huge issue.