au3WebDriver copied to clipboard
Changed: Extend '_WD_Window' function by restore option.
Pull request
Proposed changes
Please see Issue #514 . I described all there. Thanks.
Put an x
in the boxes that apply. If you're unsure about any of them, don't hesitate to ask. We are here to help!
This is simply a reminder of what we are going to look for before merging your code.
- [x] I have read and noticed the CODE OF CONDUCT document
- [x] I have read and noticed the CONTRIBUTING document
- [ ] I have added necessary documentation or screenshots (if appropriate)
Types of changes
Please check x
the type of change your PR introduces:
- [ ] Bugfix (change which fixes an issue)
- [x] Feature (change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Code style update (formatting, renaming)
- [ ] Refactoring (functional, structural)
- [ ] Documentation content changes
- [ ] Other (please describe)
What is the current behavior?
Please see Issue #514 .
What is the new behavior?
Please see Issue #514 .
Influences and relationship to other functionality
Please see Issue #514 .
Additional context
Please see Issue #514 .
System under test
I tested the change on Chrome, Firefox and MSEdge.