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Create SVG mini charts with Ruby
Minichart - SVG Chart Generator
Create SVG mini charts with Ruby
$ gem install minichart
Or with bundler:
gem 'minichart'
Require and optionally include the library:
require 'minichart'
include Minichart
Initialize a chart with data, and optional options:
data = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 9]
chart = data, color: 'blue'
Get the full SVG output by calling #render
puts chart.render
#=> <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
# <svg> ... </svg>
Save it to file, by calling #save
: "my-chart.svg"
Get its inner SVG string by calling #to_s
puts chart.to_s
#=> <polyline fill="blue" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2" points="..."/>
The objects returned from all the mini chart classes are Victor::SVG objects, so they support all methods supported by it as well.
Chart Types
Line Chart [10, 30, 20, 40, 30], background: '#eee',
height: 50, width: 250, color: 'green'
Bar Chart [10, 30, 20, 40, 30], background: '#eee',
height: 50, width: 250, color: 'green'
Area Chart [10, 30, 20, 40, 30], background: '#eee',
height: 50, width: 250, color: 'green'
Horizontal Bar Meter
positive = 70,
height: 20, width: 250, background: '#9f9',
color: 'green'
negative = -80,
height: 20, width: 250, background: '#f99',
color: 'red'
dual = 80,
height: 20, width: 250, background: '#99f',
color: 'blue', mode: :dual, notches: [0]
Meter charts support additional options.
Vertical Bar Meter
positive = 70,
width: 20, height: 250, background: '#9f9', color: 'green'
negative = -80,
width: 20, height: 250, background: '#f99', color: 'red'
dual = 80,
width: 20, height: 250, background: '#99f', color: 'blue',
mode: :dual, notches: [0]
Meter charts support additional options.
Horizontal Status Leds [1,1,-1,0,1,1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1],
background: '#ccc'
Led charts support additional options.
Vertical Status Leds [1,1,1,1,-1,1,-1,1,0,1],
background: '#ccc'
Led charts support additional options.
Chart options can be set in one of three ways.
Class-level default options
See or set default options for any chart class by calling its ::options
# See all options
p AreaChart.options
#=> {:background=>"white", :height=>100, :width=>300, :stroke=>2,
:style=>{}, :color=>"#66f"}
# Set a single default option
AreaChart.options[:color] = '#333'
# Set multiple options at once
AreaChart.options background: 'black', color: 'green'
Instance initialization options
Set options by providing a hash as the second argument on initialization:
chart = data, height: 120, width: 500
Instance-level options
After initialization, you can still update individual options:
chart = data
chart.options[:background] = 'yellow'
Options Reference
Basic Options
- background: Chart background color.
- color: Chart color.
- height: Chart height in pixels.
- width: Chart width in pixels.
- stroke: Line stroke width. This has a different effect in different chart types.
- style: CSS Style hash to apply to the entire SVG.
- padding: Chart padding in pixels.
Meter Options
Meter charts support these options in addition to the basic options:
mode: Display mode. Can be
(default). The:auto
mode will switch between:positive
based on the value. - max: The absolute maximum value. This number should be positive even for negative charts.
- notches: An array of one or more levels to place a notch marker. Use positive values only.
- notch_thickness: Thickness of the notch markers.
- notch_color: Color of the notch markers.
- clipping_indicator: If true, show a marker when the value exceeds the range.
- clipping_indicator_thickness: Thickness of the clipping indicator.
- clipping_indicator_color: Color of the clipping indicator.
Leds Options
Led charts support these options in addition to the basic options (excluding
the color
- positive_color: Color to use when the value is greater than 0.
- negative_color: Color to use when the value is less than 0.
- neutral_color: Color to use when the value is 0 or nil.
- min_opacity: A value between 0 and 1 representing the minimum opacity that will be applied to values when they are lower than the maximum range.
See more examples (code and SVG output) in the examples folder.
Contributing / Support
If you experience any issue, have a question or a suggestion, or if you wish to contribute, feel free to open an issue.