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Library to render React library components on the server-side with C# as well as on the client.

Results 6 NodeReact.NET issues
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Are there any examples of usage? Also how would we leverage something like Material UI? Currently I do this using render functions

Hi, I want to try this library but the lack of support for Render functions is a blocker for me. Can it be implemented in NodeReact.Net ? I'd be happy...


Are you open to a pull request to add support for .NET Framework 4? I have it started in a POC on my local machine and would be willing to...

Reference: [Moving createRoot/hydrateRoot to react-dom/client]( ) Thoughts on updating these references - - - > section 'Ensure that any your server bundle define global variables for react...

I couldn't run the sample without an App.jsx, I've copied it from the streaming example

I have NodeJS v20.12.1 installed. When I run my application, I get the following error: **_An attempt to connect to NodeJS failed_** .... Screenshot of stacktrace is attached. ![NodeReact_Error](