ng2-fan-menu copied to clipboard
Please add a @NgModule annotation.
when i import this library in to my app module .it shows the following error in console. imported by the module 'AppModule'. Please add a @NgModule annotation.
I ran into the same error with Angular 5.
Does this component work with ng5 ? how can i fix it ?
Any news here people?
Using Angular 6: Resolved some rxjs issues by installing rxjs-compat
But I still need the @NgModule annotation fix :(
fixed it by adding the following tsconfig.json "paths": { "@angular/": ["node_modules/@angular/"] }
does anyone solved this issue? Using Angular 5 looking to upgrade to 6
Got Similar Problem in Angular6
Unexpected value 'FanMenuModule' imported by the module 'AppModule'. Please add a @NgModule annotation.
I deleted the @angular folder that was found inside the ng2-fan-menu and that seemed to get rid of the @NgModule annotation error.
I also added the line to the tsconfig.json that @darknightCoder suggested - "paths": { "@angular/": ["node_modules/@angular/"] }
I have further testing to do, but it appears these changes made it work with Angular 6.
migration to Angular 8
npm install fan-menu