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Observer pattern in python
As observers are stored in a plain `dict` the order of callbacks is only predictable since Python 3.7, i.e. it will call back in the order of calls to `add_observer`....
i want to make sure that my observers do not disappear at any circumstance due to weakrefing, garbage collector, etc. - how can i achieve it?
# Adds type annotations Hi! This PR solves the issue #20. It still is a **pre PR** because I have some things to discuss: * I've added [typing](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html) lib; *...
This is largely discussed at [your answer on StackOverflow](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/132847/binding-a-pyqt-pyside-widget-to-a-local-variable-in-python), but I'll summarize here. Using the `@observableMethod` decorator on a method that is part of a property doesn't work in (c)python...
I would like to have observable dicts. This seems like a pattern that observed might want to provide an implementation for, and docs with a recipe for observing other core...
If they don't, make sure we're using `functools.wraps` etc. where we should be.
Some of the documentation is repetitive. For example, the readme file and the `observed.py` module docstring are largely the same. We should take measures to consolidate, as redundant information is...