Daniel Schmidt

Results 142 comments of Daniel Schmidt

[The tutorial](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/cdktf/cdktf-build) you are following is using the [pre-built provider](https://github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-aws) as you can see by the imports being `@cdktf/provider-aws/...` instead of `./.gen/providers/aws/...`. You added the 4.x aws provider as a...

It looks like this error originates from terraform when a condition fails: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/blob/3c14eeb94552fc1b61485abeabeefa9b95dcc85e/internal/terraform/eval_conditions.go#L117

Ouch, that's a very annoying bug 🙈 I guess we need to update the heuristic for detecting the package versions

I understand when you write `` that it would refer to something like `../my-cloned-dir/` which is not the intended usage. Instead [you should be using an URL to the GitHub...

Exit code 137 hints towards an Out of Memory problem, could it be that your provisioning script takes up to much resources (together with cdktf)? I would suggest trying to...

> I would expect to have a json file > > `{"foobar":"baz"}` That expectation is off, by using `Fn.join` you are invoking the terraform function `join` that you can see...

The debug output indicates that the provider has been added to your `cdktf.json` and I would assume you have the bindings if you were able to add the provider and...

Could you expand on why the format is important to you? The content of both versions should be the same, so if you deploy right away there should be no...

This is blocked, we need an update on jsii-srcmak for the C# tests to succeed