rust-scan icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rust-scan copied to clipboard

Results 6 rust-scan issues
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Should probably do binary, octal (someone might be scanning UNIX permissions!) and hex. Possible names: - `int_bin`, `u8_oct`, `i32_hex` - `BinInt`, `OctU8`, `HexI32`


Handling errors is a bit of a pain at the moment, with RFC 70 having not happened yet, and no "nice" way of applying either `try!` or `unwrap` to a...


The current `&str` scanner just takes the next token. Some more flexibility here would be nice. - [ ] `WordOrInt` using the `WordsAndInts` tokenizer. - [ ] `IdentOrInt` using the...


At worst, the invocation span should be used if something better isn't available.


See e.g. [string-cache]('s `Cargo.toml` and `macros/Cargo.toml`.

help wanted