Daniel Goldfarb
Daniel Goldfarb
@Mitchell-kw-Lee Support for 'wick_linewidth' can happen _sooner_ if you are willing to contribute code. I can certainly guide you through the process (if you are unfamiliar with the fork/clone/pull-request process)...
@Mitchell-kw-Lee Sorry for the delayed reply. Please see https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#fork-clone-workflow and comments at the bottom there about coding standards. Please take a shot at modifying the code according to [my suggestions...
`minx`,`maxx` to be interpreted as the "column number" that is furthest to the left and furthest to right, respectively, on the x-axis. (In your example, the actual first column may...
hmm. yes, that's a problem. the type of matplotlib axis objects that mplfinance uses do not support matplotlib's tight_layout, therefore mplfinance internally implements its own tight_layout, and obviously the existing...
I am unable to reproduce the `maxy`,`miny` and `tight_layout issue`. Perhaps it is data related. Can you please post your data as a csv file, and code, to reproduce the...
For concurrent processing, I highly recommend using the [**`multiprocessing`**](https://pathos.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pathos.html#usage) module of [**`pathos`**](https://github.com/uqfoundation/pathos/tree/master#readme) (see [**also here**](https://github.com/uqfoundation/pathos/blob/master/pathos/multiprocessing.py#L22-L68)). It is essentially the same as the python standard library [**`multiprocessing`**](https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html) module, except that `pathos.multiprocessing`...
You can use kwarg `ylim` to extend the y-axis, for example `ylim=(120,170)`. Also, from what I can see, there is no reason to use `returnfig=True`; rather you can pass a...
By default, mplfinance only displays the year if your data crosses one or more December to January boundaries. This feature is part of mplfinance's "automatic" formatting of the axis, which...
duplicate of #205 [**Please see comment here**](https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance/issues/205#issuecomment-653842325).
I assume when using a buffer you are saving it somehow? Can you show your code? If you show *all* your code, with some data, I can play with it...