Daniel Goldfarb
Daniel Goldfarb
> Hi Daniel, Thanx for the quick response, I have sent an email with the csv and code. Got it. I will try to make time to look into this...
I am sorry I am not much of an expert in TkInter. Have only played with it once or twice. There is an example you can look at here: https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance/wiki/TkInter-Example...
There is no *built in* extrapolation feature in mplfinance. Although this is the second request for it, so we can think about it. **In the meantime please try [**the workaround...
This is not a bug, but **by design, when in "external axes mode," the fill_between kwarg gets ignored**. There are several kwargs that get ignored when in "external axes mode",...
presently there is no way to do this. **[There is a similar request here](https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance/issues/49#issuecomment-606124101)**, and **[this enhancement to allow users to pass in their own Figure and Axes](https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance/issues/17)** should provide...
For using markers, these references may help: https://matplotlib.org/3.1.0/gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/marker_reference.html https://matplotlib.org/3.2.1/tutorials/text/mathtext.html (_note sections on numbers and arrows_) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44726675/custom-markers-using-python-matplotlib https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14324270/matplotlib-custom-marker-symbol
@manuelwithbmw - Thank you so much for sharing! (@fxhuhn Thanks for asking for it) @manuelwithbmw - Can you please explain "And I cannot have 20 subplots I suppose, I will...
@manuelwithbmw, It all sounds reasonable to want to do. My only comment is you seem stuck on the idea that making your signal list the same lengh as the dataframe...
@manuelwithbmw , I am inclined to think this has nothing to do with the _number_ of addplots in your list. Certainly there is nothing intentional in the code to limit...
A couple points that _may be_ relevant to this issue (once we figure out the cause for the exception): - Just got a request to **[ignore empty addplots](https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance/issues/103)**, the idea...