Thank you for the detailed explanation! After reading your first comment I didn't understood you had a malfunction with a RpiGrioActuator. Now you made it clear that the actuator may...
You're fix is simple and works obviously with the MQTT connection, it will also work with the openHAB REST connection (when `cmd_src` = `destination`as you suggested). But isn't sensor_reporter build...
>Why? What do you need that one or the other doesn't provide? I plan following setup: one or two sensor_reporter for each room. Each sensor_reporter is wired with the light...
For clarification: When you write about 'communicators' or 'connector': I assume you mean local_conn.py, mqtt_conn.py and rest_conn.py. Your mention a Homie connector: I assume you intend to leave mqtt_conn.py as...
>... query for that MQTT Thing and you'll get back a JSON. Copy that JSON, edit it as needed to create the next similar MQTT Thing Thanks for the explanation,...
>It's a big job because all the connections, actuators, sensors, and even logging expect a ConfigParser Object and has code to handle NoSuchOption exceptions. That would have to be changed...
>When we get a little closer to merging this PR I'll cut a 1.0 release and make these changes a 2.0 release. Then I guess it makes sense to do...
>Wouldn't it make more sense to have a single topic and distinguish between short_press and long_press via the message/state received? I chose to have separate topics to make it easy...
>The complexity would only be there in the cases where it's needed. Those who just need the switch wouldn't have the short and long button press sections. Sure the sections...
Do you want to make `bt.btscan_sensor.BtRssiSensor [DEPRECATED]` compatible to YAML or just remove it? About `bt.govee_sensor.GoveeSensor`. Do I understand it right: There can be several Govee devices and one GoveeSensor...