org-web icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
org-web copied to clipboard

Would it be possible to restrict operation to App/folder ?

Open cedricpinson opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

I am not enthusiast to give full access to an app, Do you think it would be possible to instead use an App folder in which you could read/write the orgs files ?


Otherwise it's great 👍

cedricpinson avatar Oct 16 '19 20:10 cedricpinson

Hi @cedricpinson! Yeah, I totally agree, I think it'd be great if org-web was restricted to only a certain folder or set of files. This is on my list to do, but I probably won't get to it soon.

In the meantime, hosting your own version of org-web with your own Dropbox developer account is pretty easy to do and would give you full control over the environment. There are some instructions in the README, but I'm also happy to help however I can here!

DanielDe avatar Oct 16 '19 20:10 DanielDe

@DanielDe, In the dropbox app that you have created, the folder restriction can be done to just the app folder.

Screen Shot 2020-02-03 at 5 37 56 PM

This would create an Apps/org-web folder in dropbox for everyone. Then the app would only be able to view and list files in that.

Or maybe you could give both options and have the user choose based on the .env they copy.

maheswaranm avatar Feb 03 '20 22:02 maheswaranm

Hey @maheswaranm, are you saying this is possible to do right now? That's great to hear if so. One thing I've been worried about with making this switch is dealing with folks that are already linked to Dropbox, but its probably worth the one time hassle to them to fix this.

DanielDe avatar Feb 04 '20 17:02 DanielDe

I missed that part. It cannot be updated without recreating the app.

The documentation mentions this can be reviewed when marking as production app. I guess you can wait until that time and see if dropbox support can update it.

maheswaranm avatar Feb 05 '20 03:02 maheswaranm

The documentation mentions this can be reviewed when marking as production app. I guess you can wait until that time and see if dropbox support can update it.

Ah I'll shoot them an email right now actually

DanielDe avatar Feb 05 '20 18:02 DanielDe