node-red-contrib-aws copied to clipboard
Feature Request: IAM auth with SessionToken
I am trying to upload data to Mapbox S3 staging server and the API documentation from Mapbox uses this example for AWS CLI:
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={accessKeyId}
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={secretAccessKey}
$ export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN={sessionToken}
$ aws s3 cp /path/to/file s3://{bucket}/{key} --region us-east-1
My problem is that i haven´t found a node where i can pass the sessionToken into for this IAM authentication.
Is there already a way to do this or might that be a feature for furure development of this integration?
Thank a lot.
with msg.AWSConfig, I was able to specify the sessionToken and make it work like:
msg.AWSConfig = {
"accessKeyId": "ACCESSKEY",
"secretAccessKey": "SECRETACCESSKEY",
"sessionToken": "SESSIONTOKEN",