Results 14 issues of Daniel Martin

Print the percentage of each cost component so we can later analyze the results to make better judgments of the cost_k values.

Edit Planner so that we are optimizing over speed and steering instead of just steering.

**Goal:** Definitely one of the more difficult and open-ended issues. Please look at the `rr_ml` to see what has currently been done. Currently, it using a segmentation NN, and the...

Good for New Members
computer vision

**Goal:** We want to experiment with detecting cars using April tags on the back of the vehicles. Really high-level overview: 1. Detect April Tags - - -

Good for New Members
computer vision

**Goal:** Make a controller for the urban challenge that is able to switch between planners. It should use our [navigation_controller]( for the start light and finish line logic and use...

Good for New Members

**Goal:** Make a node that maintains its lane within the urban challenge. The way we did this before was by merging the image from the left and right camera together...

Good for New Members

**Goal:** Previously, we used a 2D lidar so our mapping stack took in a 2D lidar scan, but now we want to use a 3D lidar. Either add a small...

Good for New Members

For `laplacian_line_detector_front.launch` in `rr_iarrc/launch/perception`, add the attribute `required="true"` to the node: - laplacian_line_detector_front Once you make the PR, assign a fellow RoboRacing new member to review it.

0th Issue

For `cone_height_detector.launch` in `rr_iarrc/launch/perception`, add the attribute `required="true"` to the node: - cone_height_detector Once you make the PR, assign a fellow RoboRacing new member to review it.

0th Issue

Since apparently we can't use our GPS's RTK capabilities during comp we need to update our localization by adding[ lidar scan matching]( and testing how much our map drifts when...