Daniel Ioannou
Daniel Ioannou
Hi @SteveOye, can you please clarify what expression you mean? Please check the documentation and make sure you using the package correctly.
`showCountryPicker` show a bottom sheet, you can add a bottom sheet inside a column. Check the flutter documentation [HERE](https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/showModalBottomSheet.html). If you want user to select country inside a registration form...
@kristijorgji All localization was done by contributions. Feel free to translate [en.dart](https://github.com/Daniel-Ioannou/flutter_country_picker/blob/master/lib/src/res/strings/en.dart) and make a pull request. Previous [pull requests](https://github.com/Daniel-Ioannou/flutter_country_picker/pulls?q=label%3Alocalization) may be helpful.
@ostilo Thank you for reporting this issue. I try to respond the issue but i can't. Can you please share more details?
@abdugaffor-abdurahimov Can you share more details(Exception stack trace ) please?
Hi Country picker and language picker have different data source, we can UI elements to create a language picker but the languages list can't be extracted from the countries list.
The package follows the flutter guidelines for localization. @maxiao1015 How do you define the "international language" of the app?
@minhdanh Yes we can, feel free to create a PR.
@Charlinjoeaht Thank you for opening an issue, but I don't think that's issue. Favorite is used to display certain currencies at the top of the list, but these currencies is...
You can use `CountryParser.parse("CountryName")` to get the instance of Country model which contains all the information you need. Please check the [documentation](https://pub.dev/documentation/country_picker/latest/country_picker/CountryParser-class.html) for more info.