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Json API with Phoenix/Ecto with associated models and jwt
Phoenix Rest JSON API Example with JWT
Requires Erlang, Elixir and postgres
To test this out:
- clone this repo
- in the new folder, go to restapp/config/dev.exs and enter your postgres database, username, and password. Also enter your preferred login username and password in config: :login.
- in the new folder, go to restapp/config/test.exs and re-enter your postgres database, username, and password
- cd to the folder, or just start a terminal in it
- run mix deps.get && mix deps.compile to retrieve jwt libraries and compile.
- run mix ecto.migrate --all
- run mix compile (this compiles a formatter module which is outside of the /web directory and does not compile automagically)
- run mix test (should have six passing tests)
- run mix phoenix.server
#get regular user token
- post your username and password to localhost:4000/login default is {"data":{"username":"user","password":"password"}}
- copy token string
- in request header for localhost:4000/api/invoices, add Token: (your user token)
#updating/adding to database with json
- post json to the /api/invoices route in the format {"data":{"contact_id":"1"},"includes":[{"sell_price":"7.48"},{"sell_price":"5.32"}]} dont forget to add the regular user token to request header! You should recieve a 201 created status, and reloading get /invoices should show both the invoice and related invoice items. If you forgot the token, or if you used the admin token instead, you will get a 401 error with 'incorrect audience' error.
- post json in the same format to /api/invoices/ (+ the id of the invoice just created). You should recieve a 200 OK status, with changes applied to database
- send request with method DELETE to /api/invoices/ (+ the id of the invoice just created) to delete record.
TODO: test update, getone, and delete routes integrate with simple Durandal SPA to demostrate how token can be used
- Thoughtbot rest api example
- Phoenix and Elixir creators Chris Mccord and Jose Valim
- Ecto creator, joken