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Seti UI Preferences


Seti UI Preferences

Seti is a popular syntax highlighting kit by jesseweed, former created for Atom, now available for Sublime Text too. Cause I like this theme so mutch, I even colorized my terminal to look like Seti. Follow these steps to get a whole Seti development look:

Seti Theme for All!

Editor Theme

Visual Studio Code (by TsumiNa)

  1. Open VSCode
  2. Launch VS Code Quick Open (⌘+P)
  3. Paste the following command, and press enter: ext install Seti-theme
  4. If it doesn't activate itself go to Code > Preferences > Color Scheme and select Seti
  5. Done

Sublime (by jesseweed)

  1. Open Sublime Text
  2. If you haven't allready installed Package Control do it now!
  3. Open Command Palette Shift + Cmd + P and type Install Packages
  4. Search for Seti_UI and hit Enter
  5. If it doesn't activate itself go to Sublime Text > Preferences > Color Scheme > Seti_UI > Scheme and select Seti
  6. Done

Atom (by jesseweed)

  1. Open Atom
  2. Go to Preferences > Package Control
  3. Search for Seti UI
  4. Hit Install
  5. Done

Terminal Theme

  1. Open ~/.bash_profile or create it otherwise
  2. Copy content from .bash_profile
  3. Save
  4. Restart terminal

  1. Checkout seti.terminal
  2. Go to Terminal > Preferences, select tab Profiles
  3. Click the little gear and select Import …
  4. Navigate to seti.terminal and hit Open
  5. Done


  1. Checkout Seti for iTerm by philduffy
  2. Go to iTerm > Preferences, select tab Profiles
  3. Create new profile called Seti
  4. Go to section Colors and select Load Presets … > Import
  5. Navigate to seti.itermcolors and hit Open
  6. Go to section Window and reduce transparency to 0
  7. Choose Seti as your default theme
  8. Done

Chrome Devtools Theme

  1. Checkout Seti-UI Dev Tools Theme by WillsonSmith
  2. Follow the Steps

Have fun and be productive!