Daniel Weston
Daniel Weston
Yeah sure ```julia ERROR: LoadError: NotInitializedError: no macro or function of the module can be called before @init_parallel_stencil. Stacktrace: [1] check_initialized() @ ParallelStencil ~/.julia/packages/ParallelStencil/3flwf/src/init_parallel_stencil.jl:68 [2] var"@parallel_indices"(__source__::LineNumberNode, __module__::Module, args::Vararg{Any}) @ ParallelStencil...
> By the way, I could not help but notice that you and your colleagues have developed very cool meshes to use with Lethe (e.g. https://github.com/DanW97/Lethe-tools) . If you are...
@hfchen20 I've had success with CUDA 11.8, however I had to remove `-gencode=arch=compute_30,code=\"sm_30,compute_30\"` from `CMakeLists.txt` otherwise compilation would fail.
Has https://github.com/tafia/quick-xml/pull/783 managed to resolve blockers on the new release? Or is there more work required to support ``-containing vtk files?
That's unfortunate. I haven't got loads of time but I am willing to try, if I can be pointed in the right direction for what's needed to finish it. Is...