Dan Tonon
Dan Tonon
There is actually no need for the control comment. This works just fine: ``` .spanning-tile { grid-area: tile-5; -ms-grid-column-span: 3; grid-column-end: span 2; } ``` https://codepen.io/daniel-tonon/pen/MzONRp
Actually doing this technique produces a warning. you will still need to use `/* autoprefixer: ignore next */` to prevent the warning from appearing.
Using `ignore next` doesn't prevent the warning :( I'll log a new issue for that.
No, that issue was just fixing the warning message as a quick fix for the issue. This issue is about automating the process so that people don't manually have to...
Hacks for IE 10 and below can probably be removed but IE11 still has a lot of usage in government and enterprise environments. I don't think it is worth removing...
You should use gulp-sass to compile the sass into CSS for you then pipe gulp-postcss after it to run Autoprefixer.
Nope, this is a unique issue. @ai can you re-open? https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer/issues/1181 = an issue with Autoprefixer handling number based grid-area declarations https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer/issues/1241 = An old bug that we already fixed...
Are you using the latest version of Autoprefixer and have autoplacement enabled? We added this warning already in 9.4. We realised that the rules around when grid-gap was supported were...
v9.4.2 is the latest version.
@fabb I entered the following CSS: ``` /* grid is enabled and autoplacement is disabled */ /* autoprefixer grid: on */ .grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 20px;...