Damien Cassou
Damien Cassou
This is completely off-topic but I'm not sure where to discuss this. You seem to be a magit user and I was wondering if you were using difftastic with magit?...
What about creating a Cypress plugin to facilitate the use of odiff within Cypress?
There are 2 problems in nano-emacs code base that breaks my [borg](https://github.com/emacscollective/borg)-based setup: 1. `nano-defaults.el` has top-level instructions with side effect: e.g., `(setq-default shell-file-name "/bin/zsh")`. This means that loading the...
Currently, [karma looks for these configuration files](https://karma-runner.github.io/6.3/config/configuration-file.html): - ./karma.conf.js - ./karma.conf.coffee - ./karma.conf.ts - ./.config/karma.conf.js - ./.config/karma.conf.coffee - ./.config/karma.conf.ts I would like to add `karma.conf.cjs` to this list (and maybe...
Hi, after reading the README, I'm unsure if (1) nix-index actually searches binary caches on the web or (2) only the `/nix/store` directory locally. In favor of the first (remote)...
I think a sentence or two could be added to the README to explain the curious reader how nix-index populates its database. Where does it find the information?
The rule `prefer-regexp-test` triggers an error for: ```js criteria.match(item) ``` but `criteria` isn't a string it is an instance of my own class. I don't want the rule to trigger.
Hi, I'm using `no-unused-modules` with `unusedExports` and `missingExports` both true. My test files are in the `ignoreExports` array of `no-unused-modules` because they don't export anything explicitly: they add test suites...
```ledger account Expenses:Food account Assets:Cash assert account("Assets:Cash").amount >= 0.00 EUR account Income:Gift payee Misc commodity EUR 2018/06/23 * Misc Assets:Cash -30.00 EUR Expenses:Food 30.00 EUR 2018/06/24 * Misc Assets:Cash 60.00...
```ledger commodity eur commodity slices commodity 1 eur = 2 slices account Foo account Bar 2019/09/20 Foo -2 slices Bar 3 eur ``` I'm expecting an error because 2 slices...