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Define Network Settings from Priiloader?
Had an instance recently where I realised no homebrew application exists to set the Wii Network Settings without a wiimote - to the point where the person in question without the sensor bar, decided to use burning paper towels (due to a lack of candles) to generate IR lights to navigate to the settings. (successfully, I might add).
Is this something that could possibly be added in a future revision? Being able to set your network access point within Priiloader?
decided to use burning paper towels (due to a lack of candles) to generate IR lights to navigate to the settings. (successfully, I might add).
I won't even comment on the safety of that. :P
But yeah, good feature request, especially considering that Daco said that he eventually wants it to be a sort of replacement to the system menu...kind of.
information to myself : found the network settings on wiibrew : more research and testing is needed though