
Results 77 comments of DacoTaco

eh? URI is a standard graphql scalar? i thought it was URL that was a standard scalar?

what happens if you put the save on an SD card , boot system menu and then insert the sd into the wii? the hack indeed prevents the whole deletion...

i don't know what to do with this one to be honest. the patch patches out a function call ( FUN @ 000379a8 ) which probably does the check &...

testing dol : https://upload.dacotaco.com/HIDControllers.dol source : [HIDControllers.zip](https://github.com/DacoTaco/priiloader/files/4838115/HIDControllers.zip) expected result : show message about having been able to open the device, pressing a button or moving the directional should show up...

thanks for that. im kinda curious as to how those controllers work and how different it is from my basic HID controllers. there is not much you can do (sadly)...

'working and responding to all inputs' ? it works without having to install a special driver in windows? if so, then yes, it should've worked in the program :/ what...

i was always under the impression the german mod kinda died long ago. BadUncle also had commit rights to priiloader back when it was on googlecode. i wonder why he...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12701306/146687536-41260531-2d07-4932-8597-997cef88b842.png) finally got the menu to show up. i understand how it was implemented. ill have to look to reproduce it with the current code

@eku : i was wondering what the use case of this change? priiloader currently lists everything in the apps folder (just like HBC) + all files in the root of...

why would having the forwarders in the apps directory be bad? they do work there, if named correctly. that way you could even use them in HBC too. see guides...