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Kotlin frontend framework inspired by React and MobX.


Magneton is a Kotlin frontend web framework inspired by React and MobX. It's in a very early stage of development.

Example Code

// Define a model,...
class TodoModel(title: String) {
    var title: String by observable(title)

// ...a store,...
object TodoStore {
    var todos: List<TodoModel> by observable(listOf())

// ...and a view.
class AppComponent : Component() {
    override fun render() = div {
        table {
            TodoStore.todos.forEachIndexed { i, todo ->
                tr {
                    td { text(i.toString()) }
                    td { text(todo.title) }

fun main() {
    // Render our view to the DOM.
    renderToDom(document.body!!, AppComponent())

    // Add some to do's, the view will automatically be updated.
    TodoStore.todos = listOf(
            TodoModel("Buy milk"),
            TodoModel("Feed dog"),
            TodoModel("Contribute to Magneton")


Things that still need to be done in no particular order.

  • Finish MobX-inspired observables implementation
    • Observable collections
    • Optimize performance
  • Automatically generate all DOM manipulation code (see [] for ideas)
  • Allow rendering to HTML on the JVM
  • Routing
  • Event handling
  • Documentation
    • Quick start
    • Reference docs
    • Tutorials
    • Optimization
      • Don't let your render function depend on observables that often change but don't cause a change in what's rendered. E.g. a check whether an element in a huge list is the selected element to add a CSS class to it. On an element-by-element basis this rarely changes, so rerendering every element every time the selection changes is very slow. Do the check in a computed value and reference that in your render function.
  • Add application-wide node lifecycle hooks to facilitate extension
    • Implement rerendering as reaction to observable changes in terms of these hooks