Ian Veldman
Ian Veldman
CJSoong I managed to get the Robin2 to compile and upload, then use it with Repetier Host. I'm busy tuning the configuration for my printer. Once it is sorted I'll...
Robert I'm following your suggestion of using the MKS branch as a starting point. My board is MKS Robin2 V1.0. I'm able to upload the FM. It ends with a...
Jan Is your bed leveling working? I want to use MBL. I get it setup and do the probing. but when I'm printing, the controller does not compensate/correct Z axis....
3Dangel First confirm which MKS Robin you are using, The is a Robin with versions > V2.1. Then there is a Robin2. Robin2 is still at version 1. It is...
Hi Jan I don't think it is a problem with the config file, But I will try it. In the mean while I attached mine. [robin2_cfg.TXT](https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin/files/3466605/robin2_cfg.TXT) As I mentioned, everything...
Hi Bob The Robin and Robin2 controllers are quite different w.r.t. their firmware. You will see if you look at the config files. Substantial differences. I do have a Robin,...
Hi Bob I have my eye on the "new firmware" as well. Will you let me know if you get it up and running. I mean get the compiler setup...
Onuryagci You are providing very little information. Are you using a Robin2 controller or a Robin V2 controller I assume you managed to flash the controller with Marlin 2 FW....
Hi Andy Look at the MKS Robin Data Sheet Pade 11: [MKS ROBIN DataSheet.pdf](https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin/files/3276065/MKS.ROBIN.DataSheet.pdf) The fan that is controlled during printing and intended to blow on the print is wire...
MKS Robin & Robin2 uses Marlin GCODE: http://marlinfw.org/meta/gcode/ So yes M106 S### > 0 should let it run. The fan might not turn for small values. Begin with 255. It...