Results 16 comments of DaLiV

You need one/two of ADC-s : PA0-PA7 PB0-PB1 PC0-PC5 PF3-PF10 if not 1284 display - can try take a look on EXP2 - there is PB1+PA4 /Direct pins BTN_EN2 SD_CSEL/...

additionaly : firstly was error about serial port - commented in "Configuration.h" // #define SERIAL_PORT_2 -1 other settings at this point was untouched

+ Win version of compilation - same F_CPU issue compilation command : D:\3D\arduino-nightly\arduino-builder -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware D:\3D\arduino-nightly\hardware -hardware C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages -tools D:\3D\arduino-nightly\tools-builder -tools D:\3D\arduino-nightly\hardware\tools\avr -tools C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages -built-in-libraries D:\3D\arduino-nightly\libraries -libraries D:\Users\User\Documents\Arduino\libraries -fqbn=STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF4:pnum=GENERIC_F429ZGTX,upload_method=hidMethod,xserial=generic,usb=CDCgen,xusb=FS,opt=osstd,dbg=none,rtlib=nano...

i'm ended up onto platformio (also moved all compilations to the linux box) ... + can say - big plus on "pio" is next : no each time full recompile...

sadly no progress on sync from cloud to android in last 8 years made ... old bugs still there where they was android has no "2-way syncing" - only "upload"...

Exactly. order of objects in PDF is not equal to visual order on page. that sample was with lightl exagregation (i have no right to share exact commercial documents) ....

additionally - i has tried to overcome that issue with getDataTm ``` $strData = $page->getDataTm(); $pg=array(); foreach($strData as $obj) { $x=intval($obj[0][4]); $y=intval($obj[0][5]); $txt=trim($obj[1]); $pg[$y][$x]=$txt; } krsort($pg,SORT_NUMERIC); foreach($pg as $i=>$pgln) {...

found in SdCardInfo.h const uint16_t SD_INIT_TIMEOUT = 2000; measured real timings for exact card - approximated that was * at first init =125ms * at all subsequernt =20 so set...

yes - latest Bigtreetech_GD_TFT35_V3.0 V27.x Oct 7 2022 in 120Mhz marlin mode - no any sounds but in serial - that gives approx 24 beeps TFT connected to the board...

So. i can suggest how to calculate. All Params seems are mainly Printer-Config-Related that can be done by prior measurings with Outlet Energy Meter (such you can frrely find on...