MTCNN_Caffe copied to clipboard
CPU Benchmarking
Hi DaFu,
Thanks a lot for sharing your code. Did you get a chance to benchmark your code on CPU?
Thanks, Sri
@zhanglaplace 代码第14行,//#define CPU_ONLY 把注释取消再试一试。
@srireddy821 GPU: GTX 1080 CPU:i7-4.2G Single core run this code. minFaceSize = 24 threshold = [0.6, 0.7, 0.7] Image Size : 960x540: avg cpu: 264ms avg gpu: 128ms 640x480: avg cpu: 109ms avg gpu: 49ms 320x240: avg cpu: 21ms avg gpu: 9ms For reference only. Because this time contains multiple factors. Such as: face number, threshold and proposals' pnet.
@DaFuCoding Thanks a lot for the response. Somehow I lost your reply.
ClassifyFace_MulImage 感觉 GPU 执行 错误,难道 必须用你的 layer ? ClassifyFace GPU 就没有问题。还是我的驱动的问题。有人遇到过 这样的 问题 ??
it is ok。我的代码有问题,已经解决。