CerebroSMS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CerebroSMS copied to clipboard

Send anonymous text messages with TOR and the TextBelt API


open-source-project made-with-bash

Send text messages with the Linux shell and the TextBelt API. Cerebro uses the TOR network to make you harder to trace.


Show options

sudo cerebro --help


Show this page: --help

Check text message status: --statuscheck

Send text message: --sendsms

Check if you have remaining quota: --quotacheck

Test if everything is working: --testsms

Wait for replie using webhook: --repliecheck

Update Cerebro: --update

Show CLI menu: --menu

Print version: --version


culr: apt install curl

tor: apt install tor

jq: apt install jq


sudo su

cd /bin

apt install jq tor curl

sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Da2dalus/CerebroSMS/main/cerebro > cerebro

sudo chmod +x cerebro


sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Da2dalus/CerebroSMS/main/cerebro > cerebro

sudo bash cerebro

sudo cerebro --help

The BREW way

brew tap Da2dalus/CerebroSMS https://github.com/Da2dalus/CerebroSMS.git

brew install --cask cerebro-sms

apt install jq tor curl

sudo bash cerebro --help

sudo chmod +x /bin/cerebro

(!TIP) Ask questions on the irc channel #cerebro-sms on freenode.net

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